It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that. Sometimes it gets overwhelming to update if it's been a while. I have a month's worth of photos and news so I'll be updating quite a bit in the next few days in order to catch up!
While on vacation, Charlotte said she wanted to get her ears pierced. Since she was born, we've always said that when she was old enough to ask for them, she could have them. Her body, her choice. Well, I guess it was time!
We discussed the process of getting her ears pierced, the good and the bad, as well as how she would have to care for them afterwards. I told her that when we got home, if she was still interested, we'd get them pierced. The first day back she ask, "Can I get my ears pierced today???"
We went on a Momma and Charlotte day. We started it off with breakfast at Friendly's which everyone knows equals MnM's on your pancakes!

Ears, unpierced!

Then we headed off to the jewelery store. Charlotte sat in the big chair and spent quite a bit of time choosing her earings. She was a little nervous and shy. The jeweler handed her a teddy bear to hold. At this point, Charlotte whispered to me, "I don't want to! I don't want to!" I thought she was changing her mind about piercing her ears but she said, "No, I don't want to hold the teddy bear. I'm a big girl and I'm not scared!"

Charlotte flinched during the first ear piercing and I had a moment of panic invisioning her walking around for the rest of her life with only one earing. But she sat up straight and turned her head so the jeweler could do the other ear! She's my brave little toaster.
Ears, pierced!

What a big girl. What a fast 5 years. What a proud Momma.