Monday, November 30, 2009

Kicking it up

Soccer’s been done here for about two months now.  Here are a few photos from Eli’s last game.  Indoor soccer will begin in a few months now.  As he (and his team) has gotten older, their skills have improved incredibly.   It’s become a real blast to watch them play and work together. 

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Believe it or not, this was a Dora themed ice cream. 

Friday, November 27, 2009

Why wait until Christmas?

This will be one of a few Halloween posts because I’m so far behind.  We made Halloween sugar cookies because….well, because we like cookies!  As always, the girls were super excited to decorate them for about, oh, ten minutes maybe.  I ended up frosting 3/4’s of the cookies and we all know I can’t just slap some frosting on them and call it a day.  I had to make them all pretty.  It’s a good thing I love sugar cookies my kids or they’d never have sweet treats to eat.

IMG_0037 Lucy cleaning up the mixing utensils.


Lucy’s idea of frosting cookies.  Notice a pattern?



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cooking with Charlotte

Charlotte decided to make fruit salad.  She did it all on her own.  She was so proud! 


And really excited!


Until someone wanted to share.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why we keep him around…


Because he’s pretty darn awesome.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Look who came to town…

We’re still alive.  I’ve been ignoring the blog because it’s hard to see the picture of Pepper. 

Michael’s mom (Nanny) and her friend Doug came to visit us Columbus Day weekend.  It was an absolutely beautiful weekend and we were so glad that we could share it with them.  It’s always nice to have family and friends visit from out of the area because we get a chance to see things with new eyes.  It’s easy to become used to all the beauty fall brings here in Vermont.

Nanny and Doug arrived Saturday evening and the girls were excited to have Nanny read them a story.  I was surprised by how quickly Lucy took to Doug!  She felt right at home in his lap.


On Sunday, we visited an outdoor art show of featured local artists then headed towards the Vermont Country Store.  What were we thinking?  This weekend is always their busiest of the year due to tourists.  It was absolutely packed and we left pretty quickly.

On Monday, Eli had to go to school but the rest of us took a hike up some mountains nearby our home.  The paths themselves were beautiful enough!  The view at the top was almost too much.  Just gorgeous.

























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I’ll hopefully post again in a day or two.  I really need to catch up, especially with the holidays coming!  I have photos of a visit to Rochester which include pictures of my squishable, loveable, snuggable nephew and some great snapshots of our annual Halloween party.