Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Funny stuff
Just yesterday, he was making a spoof commercial for Charlotte's Squiggle Pen when he didn't know we were listening. The squiggle pen is battery operated and it vibrates so that it's all wobbly when you write with it. He said, "The Squiggle Pen. For people who don't know how to scribble."
Charlotte's going through a really rough period right now. I've heard other people say that their little girlies had rough patches in the middle of their 4th year so it sounds like Charlie is right on track. She's got a bit of an attitude and has been through some real stomping, door slamming fits. It's a bit easier knowing that it's normal but we're trying to let her know it's not acceptable to treat us this way. Along with the attitude is some sensitivity. She seems to get her feelings hurt very easily. Just yesterday, she told me that when I tell her "Just a minute," she feels like I don't love her. Ouch....give me a minute while I pull this knife from my heart.
Lucy's working voraciously on the sign language. When she wants something, she runs through all the signs she knows until she gets the right one. More? Eat? Up? Down? Sleep? Cup? Cup! Yes, cup!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Yesterday, she was a "hair do-er" and gave us all mah-sausages (massages). Here she is "wearing" my hair.
Lucy is beginning to get very frustrated with her inability to communicate to us. She does have a few words, include calling Charlotte "Sha-zhit." Her words include (Becca, this is for you) : Mama, Dada, up, hi, bye, baby, muna (nursing), uh-oh, uh-huh and nuh-uh (yes and no), ice, water, and Sha-zhit. Still, she gets by with pointing her finger and crying. We're beginning to teach her some sign language because she seems to enjoy it. She understands them when we do them and likes when I teach her how to do them herself but she only does "more" and "down" on her own.
Eli lost another basketball game but is becoming more sure of himself. He attempted to make a basket this time and while he didn't score, he did hit the rim. This was a big deal for him because he tends to hang back and get out of the way of the ball.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dancing 'round the room

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Lucy loves it
Let's give a video a try. Here's Lucy with her favorite gift on Christmas morning. Ignore the very merry mess that is Christmas. I swear those garbage bags are filled with wrapping paper and not actual, you know, garbage.
That's Charlotte's doll house in the background on the table. Mike slaved for weeks over that only to have Charlotte's reaction, upon unwrapping it, be, "What...? It's a dollhouse.....So?" Of course now she loves it.
In other news, Lucy used the potty two days ago. She was running around bare, as always, and was quietly playing in the other room. Lo and behold, she had come upon her little potty and decided to use it. She's only 17 months so that was pretty exciting.
Eli's had two basketball games so far. They were trounced both times. He's taking it in stride. As much as the kid hates to lose a board game, he could care less about the scores at his athletic events.
This evening Charlotte said to me, "Mama, sometimes when I sing I cry because it's so beautiful." As silly as it sounds, it makes me sad to think that someday she'll hear that maybe she's not as good as she thinks and that might break her heart. And mine.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So beautiful
In other news, Elijah had his first basketball game on Thursday night. They alot. This morning, Charlotte started ice skating lessons. Mike brought her and said she had a blast. She had her own "coach" named Matt and she was very excited that her team won the game they played.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Master Yogi and Busy Bee
Eli's been incredibly busy lately. He's joined alot of extracurricular activities. He's currently in Readers Club, Writers Club, band, chorus, the Gifted and Talented Program, and the basketball team as well as studying for the upcoming spelling bee. He actually had to stop going to Homework Club because his schedule was too complicated.
When he was still little, I always swore my kids would not be overscheduled. I promised I would never be one of those parents who force their children into too many enriching activities. I never thought about what we would do when HE would be overscheduling himself. That's a much more challenging situation. I hate the idea of denying him from doing anything that might interest him as long as it's monetarily feasible
At the same time, we're the parents and we need to decide how much is too much. Not just for him but for the rest of us. Whether it's being unable to leave town because of his schedule or it's dragging the girls all over to his games, the rest of us are affected. As of right now, it hasn't become a problem. But I'm sure there are some family discussions about this in our near future.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Just call her Martha Stewart
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Making the old new again
Our kitchen has a bar, something Mike has always considered a requirement for our home. However, the stools that came
Welcome to BurchTown!
Since we've moved away from our families (Mike having been gone for over 11 years now, believe it or not), we have so much that we want to share. The kids do something funny or cute or even completely annoying and I think, "I should tell my mom/Debra/G.G/Poppa/etc. about that." Then....well, I forget.
So here's my solution. My own BurchTown. This way, I can add whatever I like, whenever I remember, and I won't feel like I'm annoying everybody with updates and photos that clog your email inbox. I always feel so presumptious sending out emails to everyone. As though I'm saying, "I KNOW you want to see my photos and hear all about how wonderful we are." This way, you can come and check up on us if you want....or not. And I can talk about us all *I* want. :P