Sunday, January 25, 2009


Charlotte has been very different lately. She's always been a bit of a tom-boy. She always pretended she was a boy character and didn't care much for dresses or girly things. Lately, though, she's been acting very different. She loves to dress herself in dresses and skirts, wants to wear makeup, and is into everything frilly. Today I found her playing school with her stuffed animals. It's just always so enjoyable to watch her grow. Eli was always so mature for his age that he never really seemed to be a little boy. In fact, the times when he acted up, getting loud and rambunctious, were a nice change of pace. Charlotte has always been such a caricature of a little girl, always playing pretend and dress up, acting silly all the time, and now playing school.

Yesterday, she was a "hair do-er" and gave us all mah-sausages (massages). Here she is "wearing" my hair.

Lucy is beginning to get very frustrated with her inability to communicate to us. She does have a few words, include calling Charlotte "Sha-zhit." Her words include (Becca, this is for you) : Mama, Dada, up, hi, bye, baby, muna (nursing), uh-oh, uh-huh and nuh-uh (yes and no), ice, water, and Sha-zhit. Still, she gets by with pointing her finger and crying. We're beginning to teach her some sign language because she seems to enjoy it. She understands them when we do them and likes when I teach her how to do them herself but she only does "more" and "down" on her own.

Eli lost another basketball game but is becoming more sure of himself. He attempted to make a basket this time and while he didn't score, he did hit the rim. This was a big deal for him because he tends to hang back and get out of the way of the ball.

1 comment:

  1. Trying this again. Lost the first one. Love the "mah-sausages" and want one soon. Wearing Mom's hair is a first ever. Never heard of it done before. if I ever need a new hair-doer, she is first on my list to call. As long as Lil Lu can say M I am fine. Tell Eli I miss him!!!:( More books came in for him.

    Love to all
