Charlotte's showed just how much of a dichotomy her personality really is:
Lucy got a cute little duck on her cheek but the woman who did the painting wanted to paint a rose on her arm that would match her dress. And it truly did! Lucy pointed to it all day. She was so proud of it.
Afterwards, we went to the local art museum to see Eli's own work of art. Every year they have a show of local childrens' art. Elijah's class did a large painting of the art museum, with each of them in charge of one small section. All of us tried to guess which painting was Eli's. He's so hard on his artistic abilities, claiming he hates to draw because he's no good at it. So, while I did recognize one painting as the best of the bunch, I was sure it wasn't his and picked another. Guess which one was his? The best of the bunch! I was surprised and actually slightly annoyed. The boy is way too hard on himself. He has a real talent and none of us knew. If only he could be more self-assured and worry less about perfection, I think art could be a real passion for him.
The first photo is the whole project. The second is a close up of Eli's piece. The third photo is Lucy point to her favorite piece in the show. I thought, "Wow! She's showing interest in art!" Then she said, "Me. I did it." She thought it was her drawing. :)

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