Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sweet strawberries and lots of pictures

Saturday we went strawberry picking. In New York, it seemed like Pick-Your-Own strawberry joints were every few miles. Here? We have to travel about 30 miles and leave the state just to get to the closest one. But we did. And it was a fun time. Full of red stains, busy mouths and smooshed berries.

Afterwards, since we were so close, we took an impromptu trip to Six Flags. The kids spent alot of time in the tiny houses.

Lest I make it look like every day we have is just full to the brim with fun and excitement, let me assure you we have our boring days as well. They just aren't interesting enough to blog about. Today, we laid around while the kids played (the current game is Harry Potter Wrestling). Mike mowed and I made dinner. I also napped but if you ask me...? You can't get much more fun that that.


  1. Oh Baby Girl,

    Rachael, you make me cry! The pictures you take and the way you talk about them make me cry with hapiness and then with longing...We miss you guys!

  2. We miss you too! Can't wait to come home next week. Wish it was for more than 5 days. Love you!
